To step into your true divine nature and embody the mantra, “You are a divine being in a human body having a human experience that you chose to have,” you begin by releasing the ego’s grip on your identity. This powerful affirmation dislodges the ego, which often holds us captive by repeatedly feeding the “me and my story” narrative—a cycle that traps us in identifying with the content of our lives rather than our divine essence.
Recognizing Your Divine Nature
At the core of this realization is the understanding that you are far more than the events, accomplishments, or circumstances of your life. These are merely stories your mind tells you, shaped by experiences and emotions. As noted in many spiritual texts, such as The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, the ego thrives on past experiences and future projections. It identifies itself with the things that happen to you, thus reinforcing a limited perception of self. However, these stories are illusions—they are not the truth of who you are.
In The Law of One, Ra, a higher-density consciousness, explains that we are multidimensional beings with a much broader existence beyond this single lifetime. By embracing the idea that we are immortal souls having chosen this human experience, we move beyond the limitations of the physical realm and align with our higher self. This perspective allows us to see that the events of our lives, whether good or bad, are part of a temporary experience we’ve chosen for the growth of our consciousness.
Shifting from Ego to Presence
The mantra in the third person—“You are a divine being…”—is a deliberate strategy to reduce the identification with the ego, which tends to create a mental construct around the first-person perspective, keeping us stuck in the loop of “I, me, and mine.” When you consistently replace the voice of the ego with this divine mantra, you transcend the narrow focus of the individual self and tap into a higher state of presence. This practice mirrors the advice of many spiritual traditions: A Course in Miracles, for instance, highlights that only by releasing attachment to personal grievances and egoic concerns can we find our true, divine identity.
Stepping Into the Timeless Dimension
When you embody this mantra fully, something profound happens: You become intensely present. In the present moment, you step into a timeless dimension, as described by both Tolle and Dispenza. Here, the past and future lose their grip on you, and you can experience your eternal, powerful essence. This is the space where you connect with your soul and realize that your human experience is just a small fraction of who you are.
As Joe Dispenza explains in Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, becoming aware of your divine nature involves freeing yourself from the conditioned patterns of the mind that are rooted in physicality. By practicing presence and meditation, you move beyond the limitations of time and space and align with the infinite potential of your divine self.
Letting Go of Physical Attachments
It’s not that your physical life or accomplishments are irrelevant—they have value within the context of your human journey. But if you become overly attached to them, you risk missing the grander vision of your true nature. The body, as Eckhart Tolle emphasizes, is just a vehicle for experiencing life. By over-identifying with the body or the mind, you anchor yourself to the material world and forget your divinity. In contrast, realizing your immortal, multidimensional nature allows you to use this physical experience as a tool for growth, rather than something that defines your worth.
Stepping In…
To step into your divine nature means shifting from a limited, ego-bound perspective to the realization that you are an eternal being. This human life is but one chapter in the larger book of your soul’s journey. When you live from this understanding, you stop taking things personally, dissolve the illusion of separateness, and enter into a state of grace. By repeating the mantra, you can train your mind to relinquish the stories that limit you and embrace the truth of your divinity. This shift allows you to live more fully in the present, aware of the timeless dimension that is your true home.