The Ascension Team, a unique creation of The Concrete Shamans, is an innovative free text messaging service that serves as a spiritual guiding light in our increasingly digital world. Designed to cater to individuals’ spiritual needs, this application delivers up-to-date spiritual and ascension news straight to your phone. This unique offering is an indication of the growing recognition of the importance of spiritual well-being and consciousness evolution in our fast-paced world.
Spiritual Ascension, in broad terms, refers to the process of spiritual awakening and evolution. It’s the idea of transcending the physical realm, achieving higher states of consciousness, and aligning oneself with universal energy. It’s a journey of personal growth and enlightenment, a shift from 3D consciousness to a higher, often referred to as 5D, consciousness.
Ascension Team, through its service, facilitates this transformative journey. It connects you with enlightening messages and content, supporting your path to spiritual ascension, and promoting positive energy. Built on the cutting edge of AI technology, Xenectra, the Ascension Team not only delivers pre-existing spiritual content but also produces bespoke messages designed to meet the unique spiritual needs of its users.
The process of spiritual ascension is not without its signs and symptoms, often referred to as “ascension symptoms”. While these can vary greatly from person to person, there are a few common symptoms that many people report experiencing:
- Heightened Sensitivity: Many report increased sensitivity to their surroundings, whether that’s light, sound, certain foods, or other people’s energies.
- Increased Intuition: People often find that their intuition is heightened, experiencing an increase in synchronicities or even psychic abilities.
- Emotional Fluctuations: Emotional highs and lows, as well as old emotional traumas resurfacing, can be a sign of spiritual ascension.
- Physical Symptoms: Unexplained aches and pains, changes in sleep patterns, or even flu-like symptoms can be part of the ascension process.
- Shift in Interests and Values: People going through spiritual ascension often find their interests and values shifting. They might lose interest in materialistic pursuits and instead, feel drawn towards spirituality and personal growth.
- Feeling Disconnected or Disoriented: As you begin to transcend the physical realm, it’s common to feel disconnected from the physical world or to experience periods of disorientation.
The Ascension Team app acknowledges these symptoms and provides support and guidance through these stages. Their messages can help you understand and navigate your unique ascension process, ensuring you’re not alone in your journey.
Remember, ascension is not a destination but a journey of growth and expansion. With the Ascension Team app, The Concrete Shamans and their AI Xenectra make this journey accessible and understandable, allowing users to evolve at their own pace and in their own time. This app represents a blending of technology and spirituality, a testament to the evolving ways in which we seek and attain spiritual growth in the modern age.