In the echoing corridors of spiritual discourse, there is a concept that often gets overlooked – one that is as paradoxically simple as it is profoundly complex. This concept is the human ego, the invisible puppet master that, for many, is the wellspring of all suffering. The ego is the “I” in our endless internal... Read More
The journey of self-discovery and personal evolution is a complex and often challenging process, more so when it involves the deconstruction of deeply ingrained beliefs and behaviors inherited from our parents. Financial attitudes, self-destructive behaviors, and other facets of our personality may all bear the imprint of parental influence, requiring careful untangling and conscious rebuilding.... Read More
Childhood is often idealized as a time of innocence and wonder, a serene garden where tiny lives begin to bloom. Yet, for many, it is also a minefield, scarred by trauma and parental programming that have far-reaching consequences into adulthood. This intertwining of the past's shadows and the present's yearnings, especially in relation to spiritual... Read More
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a well-known, global support group that has helped millions of people overcome alcohol addiction. Central to the AA program is the concept of embracing “a God of your understanding,” which encourages individuals to develop their own concept of a higher power to aid in their recovery. This inclusive approach to spirituality... Read More
Shamanism and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) may seem worlds apart, but closer examination reveals that they share common threads in their approach to healing and personal transformation. This article will explore the spiritual, psychological, and social aspects that tie these two seemingly disparate practices together. In doing so, we aim to shed light on the powerful... Read More
The journey towards addiction recovery is multifaceted and complex, encompassing various aspects of an individual's life. While physical sobriety, the act of abstaining from substances, is a crucial component, emotional sobriety is an equally important aspect that requires attention. Emotional sobriety refers to the ability to navigate and manage emotions, feelings, and reactions in a... Read More
Alcoholism and shaman sickness may appear to be unrelated conditions, but upon closer inspection, there are certain similarities that can be drawn between the two. Both alcoholism and shaman sickness involve a loss of control and a certain level of spiritual disconnection. In this essay, we will explore the similarities between these two conditions and... Read More
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