Who Is Shunyamurti?
From the Sat Yoga website: “Can the question really be answered? (For that matter, can it be answered for anyone?) There is a Buddhist doctrine of Two Truths, which states that we must distinguish the levels of relative truth from that of Absolute Truth. The word Shunya signifies the Absolute, while Murti signifies form, which pertains to the relative phenomenal plane. Our function is to integrate both in ultimate non-duality.
“In the Absolute sense, Shunya is not a person at all. The energies and the teachings of Sat Yoga emerge from the contemplative Silence of the Absolute. But the dialogues and Dharma combat, the individual sessions and the listening skills, are a form of play in which the relative and the Absolute are intertwined. This is the essence of spiritual teaching.”
What Do They Teach?
From the Sat Yoga website: “Shunyamurti speaks eloquently of deep Truth to open our hearts to divine love. His words integrate all aspects of life and every field of understanding, from quantum physics, complexity and chaos theory, dreamwork and psychoanalysis, to ancient Greek philosophy and forgotten teachings of little-known schools of Buddhism, Taoism, and the original forms of Yoga. He is an inspiring presence who guides us through the dark night of the soul to the supreme illumination.”
God is guiding everyone and everything in a grand choreography of infinite intelligence that is all one and unified.Shunyamurti