It is a disturbing reality of human existence that we often become our own worst enemies. A sinister force, lurking within the realms of our consciousness, surreptitiously sabotages our wellness, happiness, and true potential. It isn't a malevolent spirit or external entity, but a facet of our own psyche that can expand beyond its useful... Read More
Childhood is often idealized as a time of innocence and wonder, a serene garden where tiny lives begin to bloom. Yet, for many, it is also a minefield, scarred by trauma and parental programming that have far-reaching consequences into adulthood. This intertwining of the past's shadows and the present's yearnings, especially in relation to spiritual... Read More
In the remote regions of West Africa lies a small, enigmatic tribe with a rich cultural history and a fascinating cosmology. The Dogon tribe of Mali, numbering around 400,000, has long been the subject of anthropological research and debate. Known for their complex rituals, impressive architectural feats, and a unique understanding of the cosmos, the... Read More
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