In the present era of fast-paced digital evolution, with artificial intelligence (AI) advancing at a velocity that threatens to outstrip human capacity to comprehend, the cry for authenticity is reaching a crescendo. The clash of the archaic and the avant-garde, the natural and the artificial, has cast long shadows over the contours of humanity's identity,... Read More
Exploring the Connection Between Spiritual Bypassing and Addiction The realm of spirituality often brings to mind notions of selflessness, humility, and transcendent growth. However, beneath this veil of purity lies a potential pitfall known as the spiritual ego—a deceptive manifestation of the ego that can wreak havoc in human lives. This phenomenon is not only... Read More
Focus Pocus is a shamanic journeying track specifically designed to help you focus on what you're doing. Through repetitive beats and drumming, the song will both keep your attention and help shift thinking. It' available on many stores and streaming services. Just a few of them are below. Enjoy!
Percussive, hypnotic trance music is used worldwide in various Shamanic cultures. Using percussion and repetitive beats, consciousness is expanded and a new layer of reality opens up. We're excited to debut a new album of lengthy percussive and hypnotic trance music to accompany you on your journey through life. “Vox Shamanix” serves as the first... Read More
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