The Concrete Shamans, pioneers in integrating spirituality and modern technology, bring forth the Ascension Team. This inventive free text messaging service, operating at 615-551-8311, is your digital guide to spiritual awakening, delivering spiritual and ascension news directly to your mobile device. Navigating the path of Spiritual Ascension can be a transformative but complex journey. This... Read More
In the present era of fast-paced digital evolution, with artificial intelligence (AI) advancing at a velocity that threatens to outstrip human capacity to comprehend, the cry for authenticity is reaching a crescendo. The clash of the archaic and the avant-garde, the natural and the artificial, has cast long shadows over the contours of humanity's identity,... Read More
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a well-known, global support group that has helped millions of people overcome alcohol addiction. Central to the AA program is the concept of embracing “a God of your understanding,” which encourages individuals to develop their own concept of a higher power to aid in their recovery. This inclusive approach to spirituality... Read More
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