The bad news is that the world has gone insane. Actually, it’s always been insane. You may not have been able to see it, but it’s always been there. And if you’re aware of it the unworkability of it all, that’s great news. You’re not alone. If physical reality has caused you anger, grief, suffering and misery, especially in the past few years, then you’re in the right place. You might not be able to drop out anymore via a glass of wine or a binge-worthy television show. You might be finally forced to dealing with it. And that’s good news.
The even better news is that more and more people are awakening spiritually every day. We can feel it in the air as the insanity causes a breaking point in people worldwide. As the world makes less and less sense, people are naturally gravitating to things that make more sense in comparison: the unconditional love of spiritual living. While love of our fellow man might seem to be in short supply, this is a perfect time to get to know and love the most important person in the world: you.
As official narratives are full of plot-holes and inconsistencies, we can notice a running thread through our awakening experiences. That nothing but the truth, the absolute truth and nothing but truth feels good to us. For some, the pain of lies can become so intense it starts to manifest physically. And we naturally want to feel better. But the old salves of denial and self-delusion fail to solve anything-if they ever did. We might discover that the emperor’s new clothes have become so fashionable that nearly everyone is wearing them. Including ourselves.
2022 is the year where everything changes. The old ways of doing things no longer work. And if we’re stuck in bad habits or stale beliefs, we can end up frustrated and exhausted. After decades of working, living and doing on the horizontal dimension, we enter this year to discover that the vertical dimension has opened up for us.
It’s a fertile dimension, ripe with the powers of creation and manifestation. We literally can do anything we want to do. The old adage that we can achieve anything as long as we put our minds to it doesn’t apply here. The mind will all it’s overthinking is actually unworkable in this vertical dimension. We can’t think our way out of anything or solve any problem with sheer intellect alone.
What works here is ‘mindlessness’ or the ‘no-mind state’ where all the resources of source energy are available to us. Where logic and reasoning become our weakness and disallow us to see the powerful tools available to us. In this vertical dimension, the now moment is where the magic happens. We begin to develop new skills like shifting energy or bringing presence to challenging situations. The world will never be the same and there are a multitude of practices that can help ease our transition into this new world.
Concrete Shamanism is a tangible assortment of modern spiritual practices with roots in the most ancient of spiritual beliefs. It eschews tradition while honoring the wisdom of our ancestors. At the heart of Concrete Shamanism is the belief that everything is consciousness and that there are no divisions or separations. The luminous symbol of Concrete Shamanism is that of a mathematical division symbol flipped on its side. This ” ∙│∙ ” symbol is a gentle reminder that separation is an illusion. It also denotes the paper-thin veil that divides the physical and non-physical world. One might be aware of a contradiction in the symbol itself. If there are no divisions or separations, why is there a line dividing the two worlds?
And it’s here where we meet one of Concrete Shamanisms core understandings. That spiritual truths are contained within a contradiction. In the physical world, a contradiction negates an argument. Two opposing concepts cannot be true in the physical world. For a rudimentary example, let’s explore this: water is wet, it cannot be dry. If something is wet, it cannot be dry. However, in the vertical dimension and in the spirit world, something can be both wet and dry. And it’s this “dry water” we use to know the unknown.
A logical mind might balk at the concept of dry water. But I encourage you to envision it. Ask it some questions? What would dry water look like? Would it flow? Would it be granular? Could you drink it or breathe it? Could it be contained? In a bottle? A jar? Or even a cardboard box?
Can we drink it? Can we eat it? Can we breathe it? Could dry water be just regular air we call a different name? Or could be something we could never understand? The more questions we ask, the more curious we can get. And we might actually begin to have a concept how to know something unknown without knowing it. While water in its physical form sustains us, “dry water” sustains us spiritually. The tapestry that is our concept of physical reality might have become tattered and worn-out. Things might have stopped making sense. And if a concept of dry water is nonsensical and is rejected outright, we might need to do some unweaving of that tapestry. Especially if our concept of reality is causing us distress.
Few of us could handle a massive unweaving and have the rug pulled out from under us. While the concept of “dry water” is a vast oversimplification of something quite profound, it might be the tiny thread that needs pulling. Our whole concept of reality will not come crashing down. Rather, it will compliment what we already know and replace the worn threads with new. It’s a way to focus us away from physical reality and into the space between. A blending of the worlds can commence.
We will come to understand physical reality as not so physical after all. We’ll see cracks in the pavement of physicality and the formless becomes our reality, creating a mostly dreamlike state full of possibilities. We’ll be able to see inconsistencies and contradictions in the physical world, while a dreamy sort of logic seeps in from the spirit world. As we awaken to this blended consciousness, we discover we’re usually in the right place at the right time without worry about the future or marinating in the past. We’re able to live in the now moment where everything is effortless. Problems lose their heaviness and become simple challenges. Life becomes like a strange lucid dream full of joy and wonderment.
As the vertical dimension becomes more known to us, the horizontal dimension becomes less heavy. Addictions leave us, toxic situations evaporate. Love becomes the only valid emotion and joy becomes the sole motivation. It’s not like we leave the physical world entirely, it’s that we gain a higher perspective of everything. We see the chess board from that vantage point. We see a higher purpose and order to everything. And we realize our own purpose. To be abundant, happy and free from the trappings of mind.
And when your transformation becomes noticeable to those around you, they’ll ask you what your secret is. Is it a new exercise routine or diet? Have you fallen in love? Gotten over an illness? Why have you become so happy, joyous and free?
“I’ve been drinking dry water,” you’ll say to them. And that’s as close to the truth that human lips could ever say.