Like most creative types who endured the government lockdown in 2022, we used the downtime to create music. There was also lots of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. On June 4 of that year, we released our first demo EP Aliens With Candy to Soundcloud. It was a 3-track collection of hi vibe and hi energy music devoted to taking one higher and higher.
After releasing the EP, we immediately began work on an album of original songs and we wanted to beef up our musical abilities. We released a few demos and got to work on several different audio/visual projects. Once the lockdown ended, we had to pull our focus back to the consensus reality and we both went back to our day jobs.
In our off time, we still worked on our album of original songs while producing a weekly podcast. This week the remastered version of the Aliens With Candy EP was released to streaming platforms worldwide. Below are the links to the most popular streaming platforms.