Having laid the foundation of understanding childhood trauma and the transformative potential of Concrete Shamanism, it's time to explore the practical application of these principles and how they can open a pathway to healing. Here are some modern Concrete Shamanism activities and techniques that families can employ to promote collective healing and strengthen their bonds.... Read More
We're super excited to release our new collection of shamanic trance music on September 22, 2022. Check out the hyperfollow link for details on how to save it to Spotify and purchase Concrete Shamans music on other platforms. If you haven't heard the first two singles from the collection, they are embedded below.
Focus Pocus is a shamanic journeying track specifically designed to help you focus on what you're doing. Through repetitive beats and drumming, the song will both keep your attention and help shift thinking. It' available on many stores and streaming services. Just a few of them are below. Enjoy!
If our spiritual program gets stagnant or if we get bogged down by the goings on in the world or if we just plain forget who we really are, it's never too late to just begin again. In this episode, we'll bring some things back that we wished we knew in the beginning. That we... Read More
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