Like most creative types who endured the government lockdown in 2022, we used the downtime to create music. There was also lots of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. On June 4 of that year, we released our first demo EP Aliens With Candy to Soundcloud. It was a 3-track collection of hi vibe and hi energy... Read More
Focus Pocus is a shamanic journeying track specifically designed to help you focus on what you're doing. Through repetitive beats and drumming, the song will both keep your attention and help shift thinking. It' available on many stores and streaming services. Just a few of them are below. Enjoy!
Percussive, hypnotic trance music is used worldwide in various Shamanic cultures. Using percussion and repetitive beats, consciousness is expanded and a new layer of reality opens up. We're excited to debut a new album of lengthy percussive and hypnotic trance music to accompany you on your journey through life. “Vox Shamanix” serves as the first... Read More
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