The Concrete Shamans, pioneers in integrating spirituality and modern technology, bring forth the Ascension Team. This inventive free text messaging service, operating at 615-551-8311, is your digital guide to spiritual awakening, delivering spiritual and ascension news directly to your mobile device. Navigating the path of Spiritual Ascension can be a transformative but complex journey. This... Read More
Having laid the foundation of understanding childhood trauma and the transformative potential of Concrete Shamanism, it's time to explore the practical application of these principles and how they can open a pathway to healing. Here are some modern Concrete Shamanism activities and techniques that families can employ to promote collective healing and strengthen their bonds.... Read More
“Aliens With Candy” is from our debut EP which was released on Soundcloud in 2020. It's since been migrated to Spotify, Apple Music and other streaming services. Even though this video is a couple of years late, it's better late than never. Where did this song come from? During the lockdown, we were watching old... Read More
We're nothing if not prolific and, just in time for Christmas we're dropping the second single from the upcoming album Crusin' Thru The Multiverse which is out next year. We're not abandoning our long form journeying and meditation releases, but we are adding some new ingredients to our electic styles. “Centauri Sauce” leans hard into... Read More
We're super excited to release our new collection of shamanic trance music on September 22, 2022. Check out the hyperfollow link for details on how to save it to Spotify and purchase Concrete Shamans music on other platforms. If you haven't heard the first two singles from the collection, they are embedded below.
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